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Old 05-23-2012, 09:18 AM   #1746
Drives: various
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Florida
Posts: 66
To think you've got a strong-argument in continually pointing out a (conveniently inflated) price differential...

And THEN to completely dismiss and accept and blithely pay a $1300 tax to the government that gains you nothing but a chafed feeling around your butthole, is kinda ironic...

If I'm not mistaken, back in the day of 4th-gen, it was the SS Camaro that had a long laundry list of extras that could push the pricetag well beyond that of a Mustang Cobra... I almost bought a 2002 SS with the entire SLP kitchen-sink of options tossed at it, and the sticker was just shy of $40K for a COUPE.

But it was faster than the 2001 Cobra too, so you justified it, hell you applauded it, and you paid...

That was fine for you, but it's somehow stupid for the Ford camp now that the shoe is on the other foot.

Again, so much hypocrisy from certain contributors here, shifting the rules and the desired attributes of a car around in the desperate scramble to feed your brand-fanboy crack habit.

I'll give Doubleblank and ffrcobra praise for keeping things relatively real, with fairly objective posts.
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