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Old 01-08-2013, 08:19 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by mclark10 View Post
In May '09 when I ordered my 2010 SS, I said I was going to keep it stock and keep it forever. Fast forward 3 and a half years and $10k+ in mods later and it's sitting on the dealer's used lot. I'll say the the same for my ZL1 vert, LOL!
See, I think that happens to a lot of people. My father in law had an awesome (for a Ford) Mustang GT. In 2 years put like 1000 miles on it or something ridiculous. Then traded it in, and never really got to enjoy the thing. On a smaller scale I had a buddy and his gf buy me a knive with stuff engraved on the blade when I graduated college. Instead of storing it away on some shelf to pay attention to it for 2 weeks then forget about it, I carried it and used it and showed it off for a few years. It got beat up but I got to love it daily. I have a Gibson Les Paul guitar I bought in highschool. It is beat to SHIT, but I love it that way. Every mark is some memory of some practice or cool show I played back in the day. Guitar people are like car people in a lot of respects regarding their toys.

I dunno, I guess I'm not that sentimental about stuff. I personally get more out of day to day use that the IDEA of some really nice thing staying that way. That make sense?
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